Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 12, 2011

Official CityVille Podcast (04/22/2011): Zoo and Mall coming to town soon

In this week's official CityVille podcast, Community Manager Clerk Casey gave us two sneak peeks at coming attractions in the game. The first deals with the zoo that we've known was coming for a few weeks now, since the first CityVille podcast. Now, though, we know that this building will apparently be much more than a simple community building or business, as we'll actually have to work to fill the zoo with animals.

Animals will apparently be separated by rarity, and we'll have to physically "track down animals" to give them a home in our zoos. It's unknown right now how you'll actually track down these animals - whether they'll be in your own city, in your friends' town, and so on, but it's a very interesting idea and I'm personally looking forward to see what it entails.
The other bit of news comes with the announcement that a local mall will be released in the game. From our very limited information, we know that you'll be able to choose the stores that we want to place inside. If this is what it sounds like (or what it should be, given the current state of the game), the mall may turn out to be an absolute life-saver (or at least land-saver), if we're allowed to place our businesses inside and then collect and supply them in bulk. I know I personally wouldn't care if I had to click on the Mall 15 times to supply all of the businesses within, if I knew that I would have all of that land free from where those businesses original stood.

While that's complete speculation on our part, it is something exciting to dream about, and we'll make sure to update you should that ever come to pass. In the meantime, check out the full podcast at the top of this post, which includes an interview with one of the game's animators.

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