Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 12, 2011

FarmVille Royal Wedding Sneak Peek: Balloon Arch, Cake, Swing, and more

So, we already told you that Zynga will be celebrating the Royal Wedding of Price William and Kate Middleton in FarmVille's English Countryside, but now we have more images to prove that this won't just be a passing glance at royalty - it will apparently be an entire theme. As you can see above, we have images of royal decorations, including the Wedding Swing, a Wedding Horse Carriage, a Wedding Cake, a Wedding Balloon Arch, and a Wedding Archway.

Sure, this is only a set of five items, but as we know, Zynga tends to do things big, so it's likely that we'll see more items released in this theme before all is said and done with the Royal Wedding in the real world. No word yet as to whether or not this will just be an item theme, leaving you to create a Royal Wedding of your own imagination, or whether or not this will be a grand feature with actual activities to complete, but we wouldn't be surprised if there were. We'll let you know either way.

What do you think of this royally inspired item theme? Will you create a Royal Wedding atmosphere on your own farm?

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