Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 12, 2011

Cafe World Full Screen Mode now live to all chefs (it's about time)

It only took them two years to do it, but full screen gameplay has finally, mercifully come to Cafe World. While the feature has been available for some chefs for about a month now (you know, those chefs that had the patience to complete the Go Full Screen Goals), if you never got around to completing those goals, you can now access the full screen toggle anyway, as it's been added to the menu area at the bottom right-hand corner of the gameplay screen.

If you're wondering why this matters, just think of how nice it will be to redecorate or even use your cafe now that you can see the entirety of it without scrolling around. Have stoves at both ends of your cafe? Is your Salad Bar in the corner, away from all of your other appliances? You can now access everything with less hassle, simply by being in full screen.

The interesting thing now will be determining whether or not this was all too little, too late. The lack of a full screen option was really just a single problem in the game's long line of issues, so will its addition actually help matters, or will it only place more focus on the worse problems we're arguably left with (short completion time limits, never-ending friend requests for materials, etc.)? Either way, I suppose all that's left to do now is enjoy the full screen option while we can, hoping that something doesn't come along in the future to ruin the fun (you never know, stranger things have happened).

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