Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 10, 2011

Where are my PC ports sony?

This generation has seen the biggest divide among gamers since Mario vs. Sonic. But in a place where you would think there would be a shift to unite there has been no move made.

That place? The PC. Sony came in to this generation wanting an all in one experience and as such went from calling their system a "Computer Entertainment System" opposed to "Videogame entertainment system."

But if this is the case why has Sony not used the PC to further implement this strategy. Outside of everquest and DC online there aren't many games I can think of that Sony has published on the PC.

But why? Their system as built is as close to a PC as the home console has ever been. Standard HDD, multiple ports to allow sharing of files (original fat anyways newer systems are more streamlined) an internet browser and they started off by allowing a Linux OS to be installed (again OG fats). So how is it that we have yet to see an Uncharted or Resistance grace a platform which it so much emulates?

What does Sony have to lose? The one thing I can think about is piracy, nobody wants to work on a game only for people to play it for free while others are stuck paying $60 a pop. The other thing I can think about as well is the initial investment, developing a game for multiple platforms is more expensive than solely developing for 1, but one can argue more money can be made if it sells well.

But what does Sony have to gain? I think depending on the game a whole lot. Games no matter what system they are developed for, are made on PC, so developing a PS3/PC is not really too far of a stretch and think about the possibilities. Take the upcoming Uncharted 3. 11/1/11 is the day most PS3 gamers are waiting for (I am) this series is one of my favorites, but having to explain the game to some of my PC buddies is a bummer, because most will never invest into getting a PS3, because as far as they are concerned its only one game and they are not going to shell out $300+ for a 1 game system. Now lets imagine on 6/1/12 the launch of Uncharted 3 takes place on PC. Now there is no longer that divide, now what you spent talking to your buddies about 7 months ago can be experienced by them and most likely at a cheaper price, either the standard $50 or now that they are getting along, on Valve's Steam service for $40 or below.

Now all of sudden you have just widen you audience, people who potentially wrote off the PS3 may start looking more into it wondering what else they might be missing out on. But this goes further than a few games, this goes into the area of providing a somewhat different experience of the same title if done correctly. Imagine playing Uncharted 3 on a dedicated server! I mean for me its a big plus. I would potentially buy the game twice if I really liked the MP. I would buy it on PS3 to play it close to release with a controller, the only way to play it, and if dedicated server support was active for the PC port I would buy it again to play a game with a lot less lag. Warhawk comes to mind when thinking of games that would succeed as a PS3/PC game. PS3 Warhawk ran on dedicated servers and the game played great when playing in North America (my region) I got pings as low as 20 when playing on my basic cable line, I can only imagine how good that number would be with my upgraded connection. I was playing games with Euro players with a ping of 100-160 which is fantastic considering the distance.

So with is all this, I am left wondering where are my PC ports? I don't think it would be much of a loss to release big name exclusive for the PC, especially now with valve being super supportive. From personal experience, I don't own a X360 so some games that are console exclusives like fable 3, Splinter Cell:Conviction (started off exclusive) were always missed out on because I didn't own a X360, but when taxes rolled around I took my refund invested in a rig and was able to play these games thanks to them being on PC. Same effect can be had with Sony games. If you to think the last line is the reason why Sony wouldn't publish their games for PC here is some food for thought. I really want to play Gears of War 3, but I really don't have a need to own a X360, I played the first Gears when it was ported over to PC, about 4 years ago and I haven't touched the series again since, even though I have this urge to play Gears 2 and 3. Point? As much as I want to play Gears its not enough for me to pay for a X360 and at this point I don't think there is any game that can be released that will make me buy a X360. But, if a Gears of War trilogy collection were set to release on PC I would buy it on release day. So that I can experience the series.

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