Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 10, 2011

Star Wars Machinima A Clone Apart Returns

What a wretched, wonderful fictional construct the Star Wars universe has become. While many people hate how George Lucas’s fiddling continues to dilute the memories of the folks who love it most, the Skywalker saga remains a rich playground for all

Three years ago, the crew at Illusive Entertainment created A Clone Apart, centered on the adventures of hapless clone trooper Danson Delta-40 I was sceptical about this trailer machinima at first, but the line about what happened to all the Jedi made me laugh. To go from thousands of Jedi to nearly none must seem weird if you’re time-traveling.

A Clone Apart uses the Battlefront Engine to make its magic, which just reminds me that I’d really like to be fighting in a giant Star Wars battle.

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