Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 10, 2011

Kinect Finally Learns How to Speak Australian

When Kinect launched in Australia, it didn’t come packing the same voice recognition that our American counterparts have been enjoying [citation needed] since November 2010. Why? Essentially, it couldn’t understand our funny little accents. It’s been taking a few lessons in local larrikinism, though, and Microsoft Australia have just announced that Kinect voice recognition will finally be available Down Under around the middle of December.

At least they’re delivering on their vague promises. Microsoft’s local product marketing manager Steve Blackburn did say we’d be getting the update “before December 31st” this year, and here it comes. Thing is, I don’t know anyone with a Kinect. Sure the price dropped off by about $50 in September, but there seems to be a distinct lack of decent gaming on offer for the fancy all-body motion device. I thought Rise of Nightmares looked alright, but our own Matt Williams put paid to those girlish hopes and dreams.

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