Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2012

Cafe World: Choose the next diet Mountain Dew flavor for 2 free Cafe Cash

It seems the Morning Glory trailer in Cafe World was just the tip of the iceberg; that survey only netted players 1 free Cafe Cash, but this new one from Mountain Dew is offering 2 free Cafe Cash. All you have to do is vote for the next Diet Dew flavor. There's eight new choices, and your job is to choose two out of the eight for a blackboard showdown.
Cafe World free 2 Cafe Cash from Mountain Dew
Here are the choices (and flavors) listed on the left side of the board:

    Flare (berry & citrus)
    Ultra Violet (mixed berry)
    Typhoon (tropical strawberry pineapple)
    Voltage (raspberry-citrus blend and a shot of ginseng)

And to our right, we've got:

    White Out (lemongrass & yuzu)
    Crave (green apple)
    Distortion (a "flowing green river of goodness", which sounds blargh if you ask me, but it's probably just a diet version of the regular flavor)
    Supernova (strawberry-melon and a ginseng-powered punch)

After you've clicked and dragged your flavor choices into the two boxes above the "Submit Vote" button, click on the button to get your 2 free Cafe Cash. After that, you've the option to check out the Flavor Leaderboard on the Mountain Dew website. The leaderboard is a collection of votes from online surveys and a tasting tour the company's been doing.
Mountain Dew Flavor Leaderboard
Currently, the top three favorite Diet Dew flavors are Voltage, Supernova, and White Out. There's a little over a week left before voting comes to a close. If you love the Dew, check back in on the board in a week to see if your favorite flavor(s) made the cut.

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