Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 1, 2012

Scene It? Daily prods your pop culture chops on Facebook, iPhone, Android

No longer will you be out of the loop when someone at a party quotes The Godfather 3. (Seriously, who even watched that one?) Screenlife, the creators of the hit Scene It? pop culture trivia board games, has launched a cross-platform social game for Facebook, iPhone and Android devices. It's called Scene It? Daily, and it allows players to start and finish trivia puzzle across devices.

"For example, begin playing a celebrity-themed quiz on your mobile device during the commute to work, and finish it up on Facebook once you get to the office," Screenlife explained in a statement. "Or try beating the TV quiz sitting at home on the couch."

The reason for the "Daily" moniker is that the game will be updated, well, daily with new questions across about movies, music, TV and celebrities. The game features a single log-in for each player across all devices, and a unified leader board to aspire to (or dominate).

And while in-game, players can take advantage of streak bonuses for answering multiple questions correctly in a row, and three different power-ups to gain competitive advantage. Now I guess I have no excuse for not knowing what Taylor Swift wore to the Grammys last night ... or something like that.

Scene It? Daily

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